Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday


Well, I did weigh today.  It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't amazing either.  I guess the fact that I'm 8 months pregnant and can still look at the scale is an accomplishment in itself.  I'll take it.

I ate fairly well yesterday, and managed to avoid the yogurt pretzels.  I did have an afternoon meeting with some baked cheetos, but other than that I did great.  My wonderful boo made me breakfast yesterday morning.  
Two Mission Carb Balance tortillas, two eggs, and two pieces of center cut bacon

It was delicious...mainly because I didn't have to cook it :)  On my way to work (I eat on my way) I dropped half a piece of bacon in between my seats.  So my car should smell like fried bacon all summer.  I'm actually okay with that.

For lunch was some leftover chicken stir fry with brown rice, some Yoplait Greek yogurt, and a pack of Welch's snacks...I think I could eat the entire 30 pack box in one day.  I love those things.

It was nice outside during the early afternoon, so boo decided to grill out.  He made some squash and pork tenderloin and it was AMAZE.  We had that with some brown ready rice for dinner.  Yum!

I actually had some leftover tenderloin in a low carb tortilla for breakfast this morning...and yes, I'm one of those weird people who eats dinner food as breakfast food.  I would definitely rather have steak and potatoes for breakfast than eggs any day.

I've done pretty good this week, but I'm trying to psych myself out for the weekend.  I will have 7 people at my house for the weekend, and I'm having another baby shower on Saturday...and I like cake...a lot.  My goal is not to eat like a teenage boy all weekend.  I will allow myself some cake, but I'm going to try to keep it in check the rest of the time.  One meal at a time...right?


  1. your meals look AMAZING!!
    Can you send me your leftovers!? LoL

  2. that tenderloin looks amazefest!

  3. Thanks! I wish I could take credit for it, but the man and his grill took over...and I never say no to that!

    It was all pretty delish!
