Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday


And boy did I weigh in...

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday for my 37 week check up, and I almost started crying at least 3 times before I actually made it into the docotor's office.  So there was that...

I think it was a combination of a million different things...
Thing 1 - hormones
Thing 2 - my boo couldn't come with me because he's still battling the shingles (it's almost cleared up), and this is the first appointment he's missed.
Thing 3- They were checking to see if I was progressing toward delivery, and I honestly am soooo not ready for that part
Thing 4 - I had gained 8 POUNDS!  HOLY CRAP... Oh, in two weeks btdubs

The doctor walked in...took one look at my gigantic feet (it looks like I have that elephantitis thing that you see specials about on TLC) and said, "Well, no wonder you're weight is up." I was kind of relieved because that meant I wasn't about to get yelled at.  I know I haven't been eating perfectly, but I certainly haven't been eating enough to justify an 8 pound weight gain. 

Good news is that baby isn't even close to being ready to come out.  I didn't get yelled at, and boo gets to come to the doctor with me next week. 

Like I said, I've been eating pretty well.
Peanut butter and banana toast for breakfast

Chicken bites with new potatoes and squash for lunch

I actually tried something new for dinner last night!  It was pretty good.  My mom saw the Southern Plate blog on Pinterest, and said some of her recipes looked good.  I tried the Hobo Sacks, and they were delicious!  I served them with green beans and brown gravy.  Yum!

I used lean beef for mine.  I will add some type of sauce before I cook them next time.  They were pretty good...and no mess!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, stopping by from She's a Big Star! Congrats on the baby! Girl I gained a ton of weight w/ all my boys. I'm so wishing I had paid more attention to my weight because I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now!!! I'm gonna have to check out Southern Plate, that looks so yummy!!!
