Monday, April 8, 2013

Babies, Bags, and Heartburn

This weekend was AWESOME!  My parents drove up from Texas, and my mom and I did a lot of baby shopping.  My boo (yes, I call my husband my boo because we're totally gangster and stuff) was busy helping a friend build a kitchen table for his new house, so my dad took himself to the casino where he was completely content for the entire afternoon.

 There was a baby expo at the fairgrounds (which was the main reason my parents came in town), but that was kind of a bust.  There weren't that many booths, so we went through it pretty fast.  My mom is seriously too nice for her own good...she just can't say no.  I go to the bathroom for 3 minutes and when I come out she's talking to some booth woman about dehydrating a placenta and turning it into pills...sick out.  I'm not sure what they're talking about at first, so I stand and listen.  She gets to the part about humans being the only mammals that don't ingest their placenta, and I lose it.  I start giggling and have to walk away.  My mom catches up.  The best part is that my mom was completely sold. Hilarious...and it's never going to happen.  Sorry mom.

After that we went shopping.  We hit up Babies R Us and some other stores.  I waddled around like a cow the whole afternoon trying not to pee my pants and having to stop every 20 minutes to take a break (so ready for that to be over).  We also went to a fancy pants store where everything, including onesies, was at least $50. I usually leave these places empty handed, but there was one thing I couldn't resist.
Meet my new turquoise diaper bag

I'm obsessed with it, it was expensive, it was an impulse buy, and I don't feel bad about it one bit. So there.

I also managed to eat like crap pretty much all weekend long.  I got on the scale today, and it wasn't pretty.  I was up 4 pounds since my last doctor appointment.  So, I have about one week to get myself in check.  I never cancelled my Weight Watchers membership, so I'm going to track my points this week and load up on fruits and veggies...
Maybe by this time next week I can take these off my desk, and my nightstand, and out of my purse...
but probably not.

Happy Monday!

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