Thursday, April 11, 2013

Madness and Mexican Food

Well, true to form, our lives can't just be uneventful for one dang day.  My baby shower is this weekend, and we have 7 friends driving up from Texas to stay at our house for the weekend.  We have a laundry list of groceries to buy, we need to clean house, clean up the backyard, and on top of it all...we just found out that my boo has shingles!  Seriously?!?!

Last night he wanted me to look at a spot on his chest.  It was small and a little red, but he said his whole side hurt.  I thought he was being a tad dramatic, but to be nice, I drew a circle around the spot with a marker.  He had been doing some yard work and cleaning out the garage this week, so we both thought he may have been bitten by something.  This morning, the spot wasn't bigger, but it was still really red.  I told him that he may as well go to the doctor.  No sense in guessing what it is all weekend.'s the shingles.  I've had the chicken pox, so he can't infect me...but he can't go to my doctor's appointments until they clear up!!!  We're in the home stretch, people! I called my OB, and he said just make sure I don't go into labor in the next week or so.  If I did, boo wouldn't get to be in the delivery room with me! He's just started on some antibiotics, so he should be cleared up soon.

This is ridiculous.

Now to my food intake yesterday....
Breakfast looked like this...

Lunch looked like this..

And then....there was dinner....I was starving...and we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant.

Dinner may have looked a little something like this..
And this...

Yes, I feel like crap today.  Yes, I regret it.

It's hard to eat perfect all the time when you have this giant belly sticking out screaming, "Feed me!" every 45 minutes.  

I know that's a bad excuse, but I will try to better far, so good!

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