Monday, April 22, 2013

Operation Skinny Jeans

I'm stalking Operation Skinny Jeans again, and I'm joining in their Weekly Goals Link Party.  I did this last week also.  Honestly, with pregnancy brain and delivery on my mind I can't even remember what they were...Let's review...

Last Week's Goals:

  1. Don't eat like a psychopath.  I'm going to measure my meals and eat in moderation.  Just because my stomach looks like an old trucker's doesn't mean my diet needs to.

    • I actually did pretty good on this one.  I may have tried some Blue Bell Red Velvet ice cream (it was amaze), but other than that I did really well.  I ate a lot of fruits and veggies, and I kept my meals to a normal size!  At 37 weeks pregnant, I would say that's an accomplishment.
  2. Easy on the carbs, heavy on the veggies.  I'm going to limit my carbs (I can't cut them out or something bad will happen), and focus on eating fruits and veggies with every meal.
  3. I made this DELICIOUS chicken tortilla soup on Thursday night.  I got the recipe from Southern Plate, and it was the best tortilla soup I've ever made.  I left off the cheese and sour cream to save some calories.

    • I didn't really leave out carbs...oh well.  I did really great with my fruits and veggies, so let's focus on that :)
  4. Take the dogs for a walk at least twice this week. They need it, and let's be real...I need more than both of them.
    • This didn't happen.  I honestly just don't have the energy right now.  Once this baby is here and I'm back on my feet, I will be doing some MAJOR exercising!  I'm actually excited about sweating again! Plus look how cute and comfy little Milly looks...
So like I said...don't start forming the parade line for me just yet.  I'm going to keep it very simple this week. My goal is to not gain any weight!

I'd like to end this Monday's post with some pregnancy pinspiration!

Oh yes...and this hilarious video.

Happy Monday!


  1. Stopping by from Jess's link-up! Good for you, keeping nutrition in mind while pregnant! I've never gone through that, but I'm sure that once I'm there, I'll totally want to use the bump as an excuse to eat whatever I want! I'm always so impressed by moms-to-be who actually know how to rein it in!

  2. Well I certainly haven't been a food angel, but I have tried to keep it in check a little bit. You think that you'll eat whatever and not care, but it's very difficult to see that scale go up every week. I don't think it matters how big you are. If you watch your weight when you're not pregnant, it's almost impossible to stop when you are.

  3. Good job on your goals! Don't worry too much about not cutting out carbs, it's not the best idea anyway :D

    Also- I freaking love Blue Bell ice cream.

    Operation Skinny Jeans
