Monday, April 29, 2013 of one?

Major pity party on huge. I guess I need to start with our doctor's appointment last week.  He explained to us that if I had made any progress by today (yikes) that he would fully induce me on Sunday.

After that appointment, I may have told my boo that he better get good and drunk this weekend because it might be his last go for a while.  I know...I asked for it.  I came home Tuesday from work, and he was already making an invitation for a washers tournament that he and a buddy were going to put on.  I was actually totally fine with that.  He loves playing washers, it was good clean fun, and he deserved a day with his guys.

So, Saturday gets here, and what was supposed to be a guys only thing has turned into a bring your wife/girlfriend thing.  Let the pity party begin.

Well, first off boo got up and cooked this awesome breakfast.  It was really sweet of him and very delicious!

So, we ate breakfast, boo went to work on his new washer boards in the garage, and I sat on the couch and tried to figure out what I was going to wear to this thing...I had nothin'.  That led to thoughts about how large I felt...which led to a helpless feeling because there's really nothing I can do about my body or my weight until the baby is here...which led to me wishing the baby would come immediately...then, I started thinking about the birth....then, I started freaking out about the birth....then, I started crying.

It was a disaster.  I managed to stop crying, I told boo I wasn't going to the party, and I managed to (in true pity party form) take all of my emotions and insecurities out on him.  I started acting like a huge b, telling him not to drink too much, and trying to give him a curfew.  I know...I'm ridiculous.  We got into an argument on the way to his party, I dropped him off, and then managed to feel like crap for the rest of the evening...oh...and eat like crap

When he got home I apologized, but he was a little tipsy.  He accepted my apology, but I'm not sure if he remembered the next morning :) Oh well...we talked about it the next day, and I felt a lot better. I got over myself and tried to realize that the baby will be here soon.  I don't need to make myself and everyone around me miserable in the meantime... even though it is very easy to do.

Who knew that growing a human could be so emotional?  I have a whole new respect for women after this whole thing.  It's like a 9 month emotional roller coaster that ends with another emotional roller coaster! My hat's off to all of the moms out there that have managed to keep it together and not go completely postal.  I'm impressed.

I also ate better yesterday...which made me feel a lot better.  We went to breakfast, and I got this yummy egg white and vegetable omelet. 

Then, we went to TJ Max, and I managed to buy MORE baby clothes.  At least most of these were 12 month clothes.  It's just really hard for me to pass up little Polo clothes that are only $8!

I mean, come do you walk passed these little guys?

We ended the day with my favorite spring/summer treat...the sno cone.  I freaking love them, and it was totally worth the 20 minute wait to get it...not sure Boo feels the same way about that.

Hope everyone else had a better Saturday than I did.  It's day one of my first week home...I hope I don't go completely crazy after I run out of things to do...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Freak Out

So, it's my last day of work!  I can't believe it's here...even though it is a little sooner than I had imagined.  I'm not going to lie...I looking forward to just being at home with my boo (he works from home)  for a few days.  It's crazy to think these are the last few days without a child to take care of.  I hope I can enjoy them and stop freaking out about every little thing.

This is my "OMG we're about to be parents and I have a million things on my mind and I don't even know where to start" face.

I've been having really weird anxiety lately.  Like morbid "what if" thoughts about Rhett and being a parent.  I guess the most predominant one is him about him getting hurt.  Not like bumps and bruises bad hurt.  Like I fall and drop him on his head hurt...

I don't know if these are normal "almost parent" fears, or if I'm just overreacting.  These are new feelings for me.  I'm usually don't have a dooms day outlook on I'm trying to calm myself and not run out and buy him a plastic bubble to live in.

I mean let's be honest...little John Travolta looks perfectly happy and well adjusted in his plastic bubble...right? 

Seeing a picture of my super cute diaper bag does give me hopes that I will leave the house with him at some point.  Yes, I'm still obsessed with the diaper bag.

Anyway, I'm going to try to distract myself with preparing some healthy/freezer friendly meals next week so we can have some dinners to throw in the over after Rhett gets here.  Anyone know of any good recipes or websites where I could find some?

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

It just never ends...

So, we've had a pretty crazy week.  First, I find out that we'll have a baby by May 6th (which I was not prepared for). Then, I call the lady that we have set up to watch Rhett, and there's not an available spot any more! I started crying.

We have had this spot since October.  I guess the lady had a couple of parents who told her their kids would be going to preschool the following August.  Well, they have recently changed their minds...which leaves us out in the cold.  My son has been kicked out of daycare, and he's not even here yet!

So here we are.  Scrambling to find child care.  I really want him to go to an in-home daycare while he's little.  He won't have to go to daycare until he's 3 months old, so I guess that's a plus.  We have a couple of leads, but nothing for sure yet.

On top of that, we found out my grandmother's lung filled with fluid.  She's been in and out of hospital and rehab facilities for about 4 years now.  She has crippling rheumatoid arthritis that has now moved into her lung.  They removed the fluid a couple of days ago, but it filled back up.  They're removing fluid again today, and will hopefully have a plan of action after that.  My parents are there, and my mom is really upset which sucks.

This is a little extreme for my situation (I'm no bad ass), but I found it on Pinterest and thought it was funny.

We went to Red Robin for dinner last night, and I didn't eat like a crazy woman.  So I guess that's a plus.  I had one of these delcious turkey burgers.  

Apparently it's only 15 points, which Ididn't think was terrible.  I may have had a few of those steak fries too, but whatevs.  As soon as this baby is here I will be having a lot less of those.

Still can't seem to get away from the peanut butter...I guess this is better than putting it on an oreo (which is delicious if you've never tried it)

Hope your day is better than mine!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday


Well, I'm linking up for Weigh-In Wednesday.  I did weight this morning, but it wasn't fantastic.  I was up exactly one pound.  I'm actually okay with it though.  With the stress/excitement of knowing when the baby is going to be here and being 38 weeks pregnant, I didn't figure a 1 pound gain was too bad.

I've been watching what I'm eating pretty well.  I have had a couple of treats every now and then.  Ice cream is totally my kryptonite  these days.  I bet I could eat an entire gallon of Blue Bell and not even blink an eye (it's scary). But, I'm trying to keep it healthy with some yogurt.

This is a pic of my nightly Braum's yogurt.  This is one trip my hubs doesn't complain about :)  I usually get it in a cup, but I couldn't resist the waffle cone.  It was delish.

I've also had an unhealthy affair with peanut butter during this pregnancy.  I would literally put it on anything, but for the sake of pretending to be normal I stuck with carrots for a snack.  These little Jif To Go packs are amazing.  They definitely help me keep it in check!

I've also been pretty good about bringing healthy food to work.  I need to be a little better about snacking when I get home.  If I'm hungry, it can get out of control quick!  I had to run some errands after work yesterday, so by the time I got home snack time was over.  I just cooked dinner and called it a day.

Hope everyone else's week is going good!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We're having a baby....soon

I'm a planner.  Always have been, always will's just what makes me tick.  So, you can imagine my surprise when my doctor informed me that we would be inducing May 5th!!!

I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.  I know it's not that much sooner than May 12th (the original due date), but I just had it in my mind that he was going to be late.  I haven't felt any kind of movement or indication that he's ready to be born, but it sounds like my doctor doesn't want to prolong the inevitable.  I'm already considered full term (we're in week 38), so I guess any time is as good as any.  I just wasn't ready for an actual BIRTHDAY yesterday!

 I am ready to hold this sweet little guy and see him in that's a plus

And what did my husband (boo) do during this whole "birth" conversation?  Remember: He's had the shingles due to stress about this baby, he hasn't been sleeping well, and he's been nesting like a pregnant Martha Stewart...

He just leans back, smiles, and is as happy as a clam.  Who is this person?!?!  I was sure I could count on him to freak out with me!!!  Nope.

He said now that there's an actual date in mind and he knows we won't be scrambling to get to the hospital he feels better about everything.  Our roles/mindsets have officially and completely reversed.

Luckily the nursery is finished, and we have more stuff than we could ever need.  Here's some pictures of Rhett's sports themed nursery.

Bedding is from Pottery Barn Kids

 Here's the room before the changer came in.  It's now on the blank wall to the right.  Boo built those bookshelves.  I found the tutorial on pinterest, and he whipped them out like he built bookshelves ever day!  
 Here's our Craig's List rocking chair that boo repainted
I got these sports prints made on Etsy.  I got to pick the colors and sports, and she designed the rest.  They turned out great!  Frames are from Target.

Here are some pictures of the massive amounts of baby gear I got from my first shower...Yes, I had another shower too!

Now, I only have three days left at work and A LOT of loose ends to tie up.  Hopefully, everything runs smoothly.  We'll see...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Operation Skinny Jeans

I'm stalking Operation Skinny Jeans again, and I'm joining in their Weekly Goals Link Party.  I did this last week also.  Honestly, with pregnancy brain and delivery on my mind I can't even remember what they were...Let's review...

Last Week's Goals:

  1. Don't eat like a psychopath.  I'm going to measure my meals and eat in moderation.  Just because my stomach looks like an old trucker's doesn't mean my diet needs to.

    • I actually did pretty good on this one.  I may have tried some Blue Bell Red Velvet ice cream (it was amaze), but other than that I did really well.  I ate a lot of fruits and veggies, and I kept my meals to a normal size!  At 37 weeks pregnant, I would say that's an accomplishment.
  2. Easy on the carbs, heavy on the veggies.  I'm going to limit my carbs (I can't cut them out or something bad will happen), and focus on eating fruits and veggies with every meal.
  3. I made this DELICIOUS chicken tortilla soup on Thursday night.  I got the recipe from Southern Plate, and it was the best tortilla soup I've ever made.  I left off the cheese and sour cream to save some calories.

    • I didn't really leave out carbs...oh well.  I did really great with my fruits and veggies, so let's focus on that :)
  4. Take the dogs for a walk at least twice this week. They need it, and let's be real...I need more than both of them.
    • This didn't happen.  I honestly just don't have the energy right now.  Once this baby is here and I'm back on my feet, I will be doing some MAJOR exercising!  I'm actually excited about sweating again! Plus look how cute and comfy little Milly looks...
So like I said...don't start forming the parade line for me just yet.  I'm going to keep it very simple this week. My goal is to not gain any weight!

I'd like to end this Monday's post with some pregnancy pinspiration!

Oh yes...and this hilarious video.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Link Up With Jake & Holly


1. I laughed so hard I cried when... my dog tea-bagged my best friend.  He was laying on the couch...she was sitting next to the couch.  He hopped off, and WHAM...right in the forehead.  I die.
Murphy...the culprit.  He looks pretty proud of himself.

2. My high school...parking spot was awesome.  Who would have thought that that spot was better than any parking spot I would have as an adult?  I would have appreciated a lot more if I had only known...
3. It really pisses me off... that they insist on weighing me every week at the doctor's office.  I have 3.5 weeks to go...I'm huge...I get it...thank you.  This will never not get on my nerves
4. In ten years... Hmmm...I'll almost be 38.  Surely we'll have won the lottery by then...right?
5. If I could erase one thing... It would be all these stretch marks from this baby's gross.  I heard someone say they're like battle scars that you should be proud of.  No. Battle scars are like battle scars.  Stretch marks are gross.
6. In 1999... I was 14 rocking to some lame boy band and hoping my discman didn't skip in the middle of my favorite song.
7. Honestly... I'm pregnant, and I don't want to come to work I'm doing good to change my underwear everyday and take a bath.
8. To me, some mythical food that I vaguely remember eating
9. Someone really needs to pilot for cars...I can set my DVR from my phone, there's a cloud somewhere above me with all my crap stored in it, and I'm still having to drive my car with my feet...please.
10. The first time I drank alcohol... was a sloppy freaking disaster.  I had 2 Two dogs (come know you remember these), and was completely blasted.  I put the caps in the bottles and started shaking them like maracas. I would have left me on the side of the road.
11. The one question I would ask God is... Do I get to pick my neighbors, or is that something you take care of?
12. Lindsay Lohan... I will allow you to continue smoking Marlboro reds as long as you continue whitening your veneers.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday


And boy did I weigh in...

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday for my 37 week check up, and I almost started crying at least 3 times before I actually made it into the docotor's office.  So there was that...

I think it was a combination of a million different things...
Thing 1 - hormones
Thing 2 - my boo couldn't come with me because he's still battling the shingles (it's almost cleared up), and this is the first appointment he's missed.
Thing 3- They were checking to see if I was progressing toward delivery, and I honestly am soooo not ready for that part
Thing 4 - I had gained 8 POUNDS!  HOLY CRAP... Oh, in two weeks btdubs

The doctor walked in...took one look at my gigantic feet (it looks like I have that elephantitis thing that you see specials about on TLC) and said, "Well, no wonder you're weight is up." I was kind of relieved because that meant I wasn't about to get yelled at.  I know I haven't been eating perfectly, but I certainly haven't been eating enough to justify an 8 pound weight gain. 

Good news is that baby isn't even close to being ready to come out.  I didn't get yelled at, and boo gets to come to the doctor with me next week. 

Like I said, I've been eating pretty well.
Peanut butter and banana toast for breakfast

Chicken bites with new potatoes and squash for lunch

I actually tried something new for dinner last night!  It was pretty good.  My mom saw the Southern Plate blog on Pinterest, and said some of her recipes looked good.  I tried the Hobo Sacks, and they were delicious!  I served them with green beans and brown gravy.  Yum!

I used lean beef for mine.  I will add some type of sauce before I cook them next time.  They were pretty good...and no mess!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sara -1, Mexican Food - 0

That's right...I did it!  We went to our Mexican restaurant last night (it may as well be ours...we go there at least once, sometimes twice, a week, and they may as well put our name on the sign or have a booth named after us or something), and I DIDN'T EAT LIKE CRAP!!!

I didn't even have one chip.  I just reminded myself that I know what they taste like, and I'll be proud of myself if I don't even go there.  Boo and I shared fajitas, and I actually ordered a side of veggies. I at these instead of beans and rice.
Here are the you can't even call me a liar!

I also managed to avoid those delicious, homemade, fluffy tortillas.  I just ate fajita meat and veggies...and the little scoop of guacamole...but that's okay because avocados are a super food right?

I also had a salad for lunch, and a little peanut butter with a banana as a snack.  I'm pretty proud of myself.
There's chicken under there somewhere...

Things are looking up today, too!  I just have to get that pesky doctor's appointment over with.  Maybe he'll put me on bed rest for the last 3 weeks, and I can just lay around the house in my pajamas until this baby is's hoping!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekly Goals

Operation Skinny Jeans

Well, I decided to join the link party at Operation Skinny Jeans because I need some structure!  We had an AMAZING weekend with some great friends and family, but I also ate like turds all weekend...and the scale totally showed that this morning.
I may or may not have made this Chocolate Lasanga...and ate it...a lot of it.

To make things even BETTER...I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.  I swear this once-every-week-weigh-in at the doctor's office is like a Weight Watchers meeting that I'm being forced to attend against my will.  I don't know if I've said this or not, but I'm sooooo ready to not be pregnant any more.

I'm finding it more and more difficult to not eat crap the larger my belly gets...It just seems like a futile attempt.  In addition to that, I'm also very ready for a cocktail.  It was hard watching everyone get their drink on this I compensated with Chocolate Lasagna...see above.

I know I need to do better...I don't want to have 100 pounds to loose after this baby is born.  That said, here are my three goals:

  1. Don't eat like a psychopath.  I'm going to measure my meals and eat in moderation.  Just because my stomach looks like an old trucker's doesn't mean my diet needs to.
  2. Easy on the carbs, heavy on the veggies.  I'm going to limit my carbs (I can't cut them out or something bad will happen), and focus on eating fruits and veggies with every meal.
  3. Take the dogs for a walk at least twice this week. They need it, and let's be real...I need more than both of them.
Here's to accomplishing some goals people!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Fun Photo Friday

Well, it's finally Friday.  Our weekend is going to be jam packed and crazy, but I'm soooo excited for all of my Texas homies to come up and visit.  I'm also really excited for the baby shower.  No idea where I'm going to put all the stuff, but I do dig a good organizing challenge.

I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and probably spent the most money I've ever spent at Wal-Mart EVER...  I got stuff for burgers and snack stuff for the weekend...Things were literally spilling out of my cart when I was headed to the checkout.  Then some old lady behind me popped off about buying too many groceries.  I wanted to turn around and tell her that she was allowed to comment if she was freaking buying them, but I chose the high road.

I'm hoping to stay out of those Doritos this weekend...we'll see what happens...

I also went and got a pedicure.  I was pretty excited about my freshly painted toenails until I noticed that my feet were so disgustingly huge that even a good pedicure couldn't save them...

My feet were one of the few skinny things on my body before I got pregnant....they gone. 
Yabba dabba doo y'all.

My husband calls my condition Lincoln reference to Lincoln Logs...because my ankle is the same width as my leg...he's an a**hole.

I grabbed a rotisserie chicken for dinner.  Then, I took a page out of Mama Laughlin's book and cut up some squash and new potatoes.  A little olive oil and some Serendipity and we were good to go.  They were delicious!

Happy Friday!