Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekly Goals

Operation Skinny Jeans

Well, I decided to join the link party at Operation Skinny Jeans because I need some structure!  We had an AMAZING weekend with some great friends and family, but I also ate like turds all weekend...and the scale totally showed that this morning.
I may or may not have made this Chocolate Lasanga...and ate it...a lot of it.

To make things even BETTER...I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.  I swear this once-every-week-weigh-in at the doctor's office is like a Weight Watchers meeting that I'm being forced to attend against my will.  I don't know if I've said this or not, but I'm sooooo ready to not be pregnant any more.

I'm finding it more and more difficult to not eat crap the larger my belly gets...It just seems like a futile attempt.  In addition to that, I'm also very ready for a cocktail.  It was hard watching everyone get their drink on this I compensated with Chocolate Lasagna...see above.

I know I need to do better...I don't want to have 100 pounds to loose after this baby is born.  That said, here are my three goals:

  1. Don't eat like a psychopath.  I'm going to measure my meals and eat in moderation.  Just because my stomach looks like an old trucker's doesn't mean my diet needs to.
  2. Easy on the carbs, heavy on the veggies.  I'm going to limit my carbs (I can't cut them out or something bad will happen), and focus on eating fruits and veggies with every meal.
  3. Take the dogs for a walk at least twice this week. They need it, and let's be real...I need more than both of them.
Here's to accomplishing some goals people!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your blog name! So funny. And also you have me cracking up lol.

    Those are great goals! I don't believe in cutting out anything, so maybe transfer your carbs to complex carbs. Whole grains, whole wheat, those kinds of things :D You can do it!

    Thanks for linking up!!


    Operation Skinny Jeans
