Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekly Goals and Happy Father's Day!

We had a great day yesterday.  Boo invited his parents and his brother's family over for a shrimp boil.  Lots of food, fun, and family!

Baby is completely sacked out in this one...It was his bedtime :)

I've had to cut out dairy due to breast feeding complications.  Baby was getting too gassy and uncomfortable, and the pediatrician thought it might help if I didn't eat dairy.  I was pretty bummed at first.  I ate yogurt and cheese every day!

Silver lining...I made several appetizers with cheese yesterday.  No over eating because I couldn't eat them!

That really helped my snacking.  I also made Texas Caviar...served it with Baked Tostitos...delish and healthy!

Operation Skinny Jeans

Now for Goals Recap:

I didn't weigh myself every day.  It was so hard, but so worth it.  Instead of watching the scale fluctuate every morning, I waited until Friday.  So happy I did because I lost 5 pounds!

We also went walking 3 times last week...still waiting on those dang running shoes.  They're on back order, but should ship the 20th.  I'm also waiting on a new sports bra.  Planning on walking until this stuff arrives though.

This weeks goals:

It worked last week, so I'm definitely going to try again.

Easier said than done with a newborn in the house, but I'm exhausted.  I think we're about to get baby on a good schedule, so my goal is to catch up on some rest!

Still no running shoes, so Boo and I are going to keep walking in the evenings with baby.  It's nice outside and not too hot yet.  Plus, it's great family time!

Good luck on your goals this week!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Weigh Day

Whoop! I lost 4.2 pounds this week.  I'm pretty pumped about that!

Another plus...I didn't weigh myself all week.  For a scale junkie, I would say that's quite an accomplishment.

Sorry no post yesterday.  Little man has been up wailing the last two nights.  Boo and I haven't been getting much sleep...

He has colic that kicks in at about 10 pm and doesn't wind down until about 4 am.  It definitely makes for some short nights.  If anyone has any suggestions we would love to hear them.  We are desperate.

Good news...we finally got his newborn pics in.  They are adorable, but I may be a little partial :)  Here are a few of them.

Happy Friday, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday

Pretty Strong Medicine

Linking up for weigh-in Wednesday, even though I will not be weighing!

That's right...I've stuck to my promise of not weighing myself every day.  It's killing me.  I want to weigh myself so bad.  Especially because I've done so good this week.

I'm not going to do it.  I know the reward on Friday better be will be totally worth it.  I can't wait to see what that number is!

I read Erin's post, and I totally understand where she's coming from.  Losing weight sucks...for the most part.  It's not fair that some people are just naturally thin, and others have to bust it every day to get into a size 12. It's not fair that we work so hard to lose weight just to fall off the wagon and gain it all back.

I saw this on Pinterest a while ago, and it really stuck with me.

I am a fighter.  I'm not going to give up.  I'm not going to let one bad day ruin all of my good ones.  If I fall off the wagon, I'm chasing that mother down and hopping right back on.

Hang in there everybody!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Dreaded "Before" Photos...

Here they are.  I don't know if they're better or worse than what I expected. I mean, I don't think I look hot by any means :)  I'm also working on little sleep as baby had a rough night last that's also why this post is happening at noon.
Some observations:
I still have the gross "deflated balloon" belly from pregnancy.
My back is a lot fatter than I expected it to be
My stomach is as wide as my hips

Oh well...this is the worst it's going to get right? 
From this picture on I will be smaller.

This is not how my story ends...this is the beginning.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Recap & Weekly Goals

Operation Skinny Jeans

I'm planning on this being my first full week back, so I decided to link up and set some goals!

This weekend was pretty good.  The boo and I had a minor meltdown on Saturday due to a baby with colic and other stresses that new parenthood brings about.  I'm glad we melted down.  We yell at each other and get really mad, I usually cry, but then we end up talking everything out and getting to the real issues.  

My issues of late happen to be my lack of confidence and being a bit overwhelmed.  I'm trying to get the hang of this new mommy stuff, trying to keep up with the house, I'm possibly starting a new job, I'm starting on my second master's degree in the fall, and I'm trying to lose weight and feel good about myself again...pretty full plate.

I just have to remind myself to take it one day at a time.

That are my goals:


I've gotten in this horrible habit of weighing myself every day.  If I'm up a little bit, I am too hard on myself.  If I'm down a little bit, I end up eating more than I should that day.  I will ONLY be weighing myself on Friday this week.


I'm definitely going to try to eat more rounded meals this week.  It's so tempting to only eat carbs.  However, that usually uses up my weight watchers points.  I need to add more fruit and veggies as filler.  I did good at lunch yesterday! Baked ruffles, an apple, and a turkey wrap with a 100 calorie pack of guacamole. Yum!

Just because my super fly new running/walking shoes aren't in yet does not give me and excuse to sit on the couch.  Roo is able to be outside and lounge in his stroller, so I'll be taking him on some walks this week.  Boo and I took baby and dogs for about a mile last night, and it felt great.  I'm going to try to do that several times this week.

Good luck on your goals this week!

My little nugget turned one month!  What a fast and amazing month we had :)

Expect some "before" pictures tomorrow.  I'm getting boo to take them tonight.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

And...I'M BACK!

So, the bambino is here!  Yay!  He actually turned 4 weeks old yesterday, and this has seriously been the fastest 4 weeks of my entire life.  His name is Rhett, and he was born on May 8 (my dad's birthday).  My dad was pretty excited about his birthday present!

Here's my favorite baby...little Rhett 

I will definitely have a lot of pictures up here shortly.  I only have about 1,000 :)

I've also decided that I'm ready to get on the wagon for reals...Time to lose.....78 pounds....yikes.

I put all of my new information into Weight Watchers today, and I cleared all of my history.  Starting completely fresh!  I also had no idea that you get 14 extra points for breastfeeding.  I'm going to try not to use all of those...that seems excessive right?

As far as "before" pictures go...I'm planning on having boo take those on Monday.  So be on the lookout for some major post bambino flab pics.  Yay...

And the working out...

I went to a running store on Tuesday with my mother-in-law.  We both hopped on the treadmill and had our gait analyzed.  They fitted us with shoes, and I seriously got the most comfortable pair of shoes that I've ever tried on in my life.  Unfortunately, they didn't have the super fly color I wanted in the store.  They're on order, and as soon as they get here the running (more like walking) routine begins!

Seriously the squishiest shoes I've ever put on my feet.

I also got this Garmin Forerunner watch from boo to track my distance and time.  I'm really pumped to try it out!
And now my dilemmas...

I'm really nervous to get started for some reason.  I guess it's because we have a newborn with colic, and we aren't getting very much sleep.  Home girl doesn't do well without sleep.

I'm worried that I won't have the energy to get out there and exercise, and I'm also worried that I'll be so tired I won't care what I put in my mouth.

However, I do want to be thin again.  Hopefully that will outweigh the temptation to sit on the couch and stuff my face.

One day at a time right?

Oh more baby pic :)

So tiny...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Okay news...good news...bad news

Lot's going on around the house right now...trying to get ready for the baby who will never come.

We had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and we were hoping for some good news...nothin'.  This baby isn't going anywhere.  He hasn't dropped, there's been no progress with any effacing/dilation (tmi?), and....he's big....and getting bigger.

This is my friend complaining about my stupid cervix.
So, the plan is to go to the hospital either Sunday or Monday night and take some drugs to see if we can get something started.  My doctor said that at this point it's about a 50/50 chance that I will need a C-section.  I'm really hoping we can avoid that.
I did some walking around our green belt last night to try to get this party started. 

Boo fashioned these wood things out of some old tennis shoes and boards, and he proceeded to stomp the new sod.  He's becoming a bit obsessive about this yard.  At least it's entertaining :)
On a heavier note, they took my granny off her respirator last night.  There is absolutely nothing more that the doctors could do, and my mom and her sisters were left with the horrible decision of what to do.  They took her off the respirator, and now they're just waiting.
It's so sad, but we have watched my granny suffer for the last four years.  I just hate that she isn't going to get to see her first great grandchild.  She was soooo excited about it, and it doesn't seem fair.
As far as food all started out okay.

A little pb toast, yogurt, and trop 50 for breakfast...
I had a grilled chicken wrap that I made with a low carb tortilla for lunch...and then...the snacking.  It's really getting out of control.  I'm going to attribute it to letting myself get too hungry.  I panic when I get hungry, and I want to eat everything in sight.  Going to try to avoid that today!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Recap...

We had a pretty great weekend...until yesterday...but I'll get to that later.

I was a lazy blogger (and human in general) on Friday.  I didn't even get out of bed until almost 11!  Crazy...I'm usually a pretty early riser.  I guess it's just my body realizing that I won't be able to stay in bed until 11 EVER again...

Still no baby.  Not even a hint or glimmer of labor being anywhere close...  And he's getting bigger.  He's taking over my entire body.  I'm so ready for him to be OUT! You know what does glimmer...these freaking stretch marks all over my stomach and hips...gross.

Friday we went to Twin Peaks to watch some OKC Thunder basketball.  I'm a Texas girl and all, but I never really got into the Dallas Mavs.  I do love me some Thunder though.  I think it's just an Oklahoma thing.  The Thunder is the only professional team in the state, so everyone cheers for them big time.  It's actually a lot of fun.  The only con was that we sat in bar height chairs for several my feet and ankles were gargantuan after the game.

Didn't eat so hot this weekend.  I really don't know why.  I have no excuse.  It wasn't pregnancy cravings or anything like that...I just made some poor choices.  I had a fried chicken and shrimp basket on Friday night. Then, boo and I had pizza on Saturday.  Don't worry...the scale totally showed it this morning. Up almost 3 doctor is going to love that.

I did try to do better on Sunday.  We went back to Twin Peaks, but I got the steak salad instead of the fried everything basket.

I was delish.  It had a little cilantro lime vinaigrette on it...yum!

When we got back from shopping and watching basketball on Sunday, I got online to pay some bills.  I was trolling though our recent expenditures, when I noticed two pretty big charges.  Don't get me boo has spent over $600 on things before...but there is usually a discussion prior to these purchases.

He was working on the yard, so I went to ask him about it.  Nope.  He had no clue.  Turns out these charges were fraudulent.  Someone had swiped boo's card information, and proceeded to take this information to Olathe, KS where he/she spent over $600 of OUR money on gift cards at a grocery store.

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a thief.  We bust our asses for our money for our family.  It's a total violation when someone steals anything from anyone.

So, we spent the rest of Sunday evening and most of this morning trying to get everything straightened out. We had a visit from the police last night, talked to the Kansas police this morning, and filed a fraud claim with our bank.  What a pain.  Luckily all this is happening days before we have a baby (insert my sarcastic eye roll here).

I guess it's just our luck.  We seem to have a theft problem right before any major event in our lives.  Boo got all 4 of his wheels stolen in the middle of the night the week before our wedding.  It must be our thing.

Whew...long post.  I'm finished.  Trying to eat better this week!  I will also be jumping on trampolines, bouncing up and down, and driving on dirt roads in an effort to get this baby out!

Anyone have any other suggestions?

Oh first rose bloom of the Spring!