Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Dreaded "Before" Photos...

Here they are.  I don't know if they're better or worse than what I expected. I mean, I don't think I look hot by any means :)  I'm also working on little sleep as baby had a rough night last night...so that's also why this post is happening at noon.
Some observations:
I still have the gross "deflated balloon" belly from pregnancy.
My back is a lot fatter than I expected it to be
My stomach is as wide as my hips

Oh well...this is the worst it's going to get right? 
From this picture on I will be smaller.

This is not how my story ends...this is the beginning.


  1. You have really nice legs! At least you have one great feature you can show off. I'm big all over, I used to be able to count on having a smaller belly, but two babies in under two years squashed that. :)


    1. Babies can squash a lot of things body wise :) I used to have a pretty flat stomach even when I was heavier and that is no longer...

      And I think everyone has a few great features no matter what size you are. I'm sure you're selling yourself short :)

  2. Blog hopping and found you! I am also trying to lose weight post baby, she is 3.5 months. I did WW after baby #2 and lost about 40 pounds. It's good because it is safe to do while breastfeeding. Trying a different approach this time because I have realized I am addicted to sugar and I have to cut it out completely. Good luck and congrats on the new little one, he is precious!

    1. Thank you! Good luck to you too! Thanks for stopping by!
