Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Recap & Weekly Goals

Operation Skinny Jeans

I'm planning on this being my first full week back, so I decided to link up and set some goals!

This weekend was pretty good.  The boo and I had a minor meltdown on Saturday due to a baby with colic and other stresses that new parenthood brings about.  I'm glad we melted down.  We yell at each other and get really mad, I usually cry, but then we end up talking everything out and getting to the real issues.  

My issues of late happen to be my lack of confidence and being a bit overwhelmed.  I'm trying to get the hang of this new mommy stuff, trying to keep up with the house, I'm possibly starting a new job, I'm starting on my second master's degree in the fall, and I'm trying to lose weight and feel good about myself again...pretty full plate.

I just have to remind myself to take it one day at a time.

That are my goals:


I've gotten in this horrible habit of weighing myself every day.  If I'm up a little bit, I am too hard on myself.  If I'm down a little bit, I end up eating more than I should that day.  I will ONLY be weighing myself on Friday this week.


I'm definitely going to try to eat more rounded meals this week.  It's so tempting to only eat carbs.  However, that usually uses up my weight watchers points.  I need to add more fruit and veggies as filler.  I did good at lunch yesterday! Baked ruffles, an apple, and a turkey wrap with a 100 calorie pack of guacamole. Yum!

Just because my super fly new running/walking shoes aren't in yet does not give me and excuse to sit on the couch.  Roo is able to be outside and lounge in his stroller, so I'll be taking him on some walks this week.  Boo and I took baby and dogs for about a mile last night, and it felt great.  I'm going to try to do that several times this week.

Good luck on your goals this week!

My little nugget turned one month!  What a fast and amazing month we had :)

Expect some "before" pictures tomorrow.  I'm getting boo to take them tonight.


  1. oh no, meltdowns happen but it's good to get the bad out of the way so you can get past it. Second master's degree? That is awesome and super impressive. You've got some great goals and plans, good luck with them. You're baby is adorable!

  2. Sounds like you have a good plan. I actually weigh myself everyday although it can be discouraging when the numbers aren't moving. It keeps me accountable, though... good luck to you.

  3. Ooohhh! How sweet thatl ittle one is! Congrats!

    My! You have a really full plate! It's a good thing you're able to get a release with the meltdown. It's cleansing.

    Great goals for the week! It's a lot harder with how busy you are but, coming from a Momma of 2 under 2, planning out some meals in advance will help. When I was on WW i would track first and then eat. Maybe that will help you to plan how to get a more well-rounded plate.

    Nice to "meet" you!

    1. Yes, planning ahead has definitely helped me in the past. This whole newborn thing is really throwing me off though. I'm hoping things will settle down, and I can remember to even set something out for dinner :)
      As of now the food thing is pretty easy because I can hardly remember to eat!

      Following your blog now! :)

  4. You have probably been through one of the hardest months of your life. Adjusting to a new person in your home, that takes every minute of your time is stressful. I know he is absolutely perfect, but just lots of adjustment for all of you. Your goals sound like you are doing some great planning. Walking will be good for both you and the little guy. Walking gets you out of the house, and provides exercise and stress relief.

    Good luck this week!
