Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weight-In Wednesday


I'm linking up with Erin & Alex again for Weigh-In Wednesday.  Sorry I didn't get a chance to post yesterday.  My grandmother isn't doing very well, and she's been in the hospital for over a week.  We decided to go see her yesterday because, with the baby coming, I'm not sure when I'm going to get to see her again.  It was very sad, but she's had a poor quality of life for a while.  Still doesn't make it easy!

On a lighter note (literally), we went to the doctor on Monday, and I had almost LOST a pound.  At week 39 of pregnancy, I almost screamed with delight.  We were a little disappointed to find out that the baby wasn't making his grand entrance anytime soon.  We wait another week...

Boo and I have been trying to eat healthier...even though we are eating out a lot.  I'm sorry...I just don't have the energy to cook...or think of meals...or think in general.  I'm bad.

We went out to lunch yesterday at a BBQ restaurant, and I had a baked potato with smoked turkey and cheese.  Instead of butter and sour cream, I jazzed it up with some BBQ sauce.  It was delicious.

I actually DID cook last night...if you can call it that.  I threw some Schwan's lemon pepper chicken on the Foreman grill, steamed some fresh asparagus, and heated up some Uncle Ben's :)

It was actually REALLY good, and it was nice to have a "homemade" meal after eating out so much.  We have a dinner date tonight, so I'm going to try to behave myself at our favorite Mexican food restaurant tonight.  We'll see how that goes.

We tried this for the first time last night, and it was delicious!

Today is so far so good!  I managed to eat some watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew.  Then, I had a banana with some peanut butter.  I seem to eat a lot less when I'm at home.  I know it's the opposite for a lot of home I just have more stuff to do (or more stuff that I want to do), so I keep myself busy.

Hope everyone else is having a good week!  

1 comment:

  1. As good as food out tastes, sometimes eating something you make at home just hits a different spot! :)
